16 April 2007

Green Lantern

I just want to take a sweet moment to comment on the Green Lantern. Many of you may not know who this is, so at the risk of undermining my heretofore established serious tone, I will fill you in.
Green Lantern is a superhero from the DC Comics Universe. He is a normal guy who's only weapon is a little green ring (a veritable "power ring," as it were) given to him by an ancient race of powerful beings who fashion themselves the Guardians of the Universe. The ring is fed power from a huge battery on the Guardian homeworld of Oa, via a miniature power battery possessed by the Green Lantern himself. This mini-battery is shaped like a lantern, as is the one on Oa. They are both green (I know, right?), and emit energy of the same color of the spectrum.
The key to using the power of the ring is the reason that I love this character so much. By channeling ones own will through the ring, you can manifest anything you can imagine! Given, whatever it is is glowing green and only lasts as long as you will it, but still, the possibilities are nearly endless! Also, the power ring has a limited charge and needs to be powered up every so often from the battery.
It addition, the ring enables the wearer to fly (by willing it), and puts up a forcefield around the wearer protecting him from harm. The ring can also aid in biological functions such as breathing when oxygen availability is scarce (underwater, in space, or high altitude), poopin' and peein', and providing sustenance when food and water aren't available.
The Green Lantern of Earth is only one of 7200 members of the Green Lantern Corps, with two assigned to each of the 3600 sectors of the known universe. The Corps is a sort of intergalactic peacekeeping force, with the rings given to people of great will, able of overcoming great fear.
Indeed, the only weakness of the ring is ones own fear, embodied by a difficulty in affecting anything of the color yellow, the color of fear. This weakness can be overcome by the force of the ring-bearer's will, once he is aware of the fear itself.
I love the idea of the Green Lantern because his power is limited only by his own imagination and strength of will, but is otherwise a normal human being. I have always wanted to fly, and have often wished I would live to see the day when we could explore the rest of the galaxy. However, even the power of the ring is limited by the bearers fear.
I believe that we, as normal humans, can accomplish anything we set our minds to, limited only by our own imagination or lack thereof. It is for this reason, despite my almost equally huge appreciation of the iconic Superman, that Green Lantern is my favorite superhero.
You may call me a dork, and by some standards you might be correct. But I live by my own standards, and my universe is limited only by my own mind. How 'bout yours? Poozers...

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